Hey guys,
We’ve just finished migrating the website to a new server because the old one had to close unexpectedly. In the transfer, some data and blog posts were lost and so we are starting again with a new site, a new design and new information about our first project, People of Aionos.
Since our last post, a lot of progress has been made with the world building and the game mechanics. We are also excited to have awesome graphics developed by our rocking artist, Edwin Jang.
So here is the jist of it: Mankind has left Earth for the stars. Centuries after its departure, People of Aionos tells of the dawn of the 3rd Aionosian Civil War. The story is seen through the eyes of the citizens of the outlying world of Inir Fog.
The Empire of Aionos has been in existence for close to 300 years and it has become riddled with greed and corruption. All strata of society suffer from some form of abuse. Now a derelict system, the Empire used to take care of its citizens with essential services like education and health care. It has long lost its civil responsibility and fraternity and has tightened its security and control over its people.
As the game begins, a hero appears on the remote world of Inir Fog. You don’t get to play him yet, nor do you get to play the Governor of Inir Fog, the head of the Imperial Government on Inir Fog. Instead, you will live through and try to make sense of this conflict by seeing it through the eyes of several different citizens: hard working miners, aging police officers, scheming politicians…
In the coming weeks, we will present our characters and their stories, driving forces and fighting abilities. Here is a little preview of one of those people:
Victoire, Inirion Police Sergeant
On the gameplay and mechanics side of things, I used to plainly describe PoA as Secret of Mana meets Deus Ex: Human Revolution. But I think that descriptive isn’t as clear and effective as it could be, People of Aionos is more a Sci-Fi Twin-Stick Secret of Mana.
- Twin-Stick because the controls work with a dual analog system (or mouse and keyboard).
- Secret of Mana because of the Sprite Art, the camera’s point of view and its power selection.
I will also add that People of Aionos will feature a collateral damage system where your actions on and around the population will have a direct effect.
I won’t tell you all of it today, more will come in my next post. See you soon !